Eaglesong (Nervos CKB 的哈希算法)

0010Standards TrackProposalAlan SzepieniecNervos Foundation2019-07-18

Eaglesong (Nervos CKB 的哈希算法)

本 RFC 将详细介绍 Nervos CKB 的哈希算法 Eaglesong。



  • // :注释。
  • || :位串操作符 "连接"。
  • length :返回参数的长度(位)。
  • % :取模运算符,即左边参数除以右边参数后的余数。
  • zeros :产生一个指定长度的零位字符串。
  • xor :对等长位串的异或操作符。
  • [] :python风格的数组索引,索引从零开始;当一个上界被包含时,表示直到但不包括该上界的范围;当不是与数组并列时,表达式 [a:b] 表示整数列表 {a, a+1,…, b - 1}


Sponge Construction

Eaglesong is a sponge construction. This means that what is specified is a permutation F along with three variables:

Eaglesong 是一种海绵函数,即一个置换函数 F 以及三个变量。

  • r,转换率:为正整数;
  • c,容量:为正整数;
  • d,定界符:一个非零的固定字节。

The permutation maps r+c bits to r+c bits. After appending the delimiter byte to variable-length input to the hash function, this input is chunked into pieces chunk[i], each of r bits along with the last one padded with zeros as necessary. The sponge construction defines a state, which consists of r+c bits initialized to zeros. The absorbing phase iterates over all chunks and xors the current chunk into the top r bits of the state before applying the permutation. In the squeezing phase, the output buffer is initialized to the empty string. Until this buffer is of the right size, the permutation is applied to the state and the top r bits are read out and appended to the output buffer. If the output buffer is too long, it is truncated. The next pseudocode illustrates this operation.

function sponge( input, output_length ):
// append delimiter and pad as necessary
input = input || d
while length(input) % r =/= 0 do:
input = input || 0
// split
for i in [0, length(input) / r] do:
chunks[i] = input[i*r : (i+1)*r]
// initialize state
state = zeros(r+c)
// absorb
for chunk in chunks do:
state[0:r] = state[0:r] xor chunk
state = F(state)
// squeeze
output = ""
while length(output) <= output_length do:
output = output || state[0:r]
state = F(state)
return output[0:output_length]


Eaglesong is member of a family of ciphers that use only three operations: addition, rotation, and xor. The operands are always 32-bit integers. This motivates the following notational overload:

  • +: addition modulo 2^32;
  • <<<: left rotation, specifically a <<< r is equivalent to ((a << r) xor (a >> (32-r))) and 0xffffffff, where << and >> denote left and right shift, respectively.

Round Function

The Eaglesong permutation F is obtained by iterating a round function f for N = 43 times. The round function consists of four steps.

The state of the Eaglesong permutation consists of 16 integers.

Bit Matrix

The state vector is mapped to a new state vector determined via (row-)vector-matrix multiplication, where the coefficients of the matrix are either 0 or 1. Every row of this matrix represents an indication of which state elements to xor together.

The matrix is given below. A multiplication procedure follows.

bit_matrix = [
[1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1]
[0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1]
[0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1]
[0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1]
[1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0]
[1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1]
[1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0]
[1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1]
[0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1]
[0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1]
[0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
[0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1]
[1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0]
[0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0]
[0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0]
[1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1]
function ApplyBitMatrix( state_vector ):
for j in range[0:16] do:
output_vector[j] = 0
for k in range[0:16] do:
output_vector[j] = output_vector[j] xor (bit_matrix[j,k] * state_vector[k])
return output_vector

Note that the matrix multiplication needs involve only ARX operations. Since the coefficients of the matrix are known, the loops can be unrolled and the entire matrix multiplication can be described in terms of the xor operation alone. The use of the multiplication operator * is merely a notational convenience to stress the link with matrix multiplication.

Circulant Multiplication

Every element of the state vector undergoes a map involving xor and rotation. Specifically, state_vector[i] = state_vector[i] xor (state_vector[i] <<< a[i]) xor (state_vector[i] <<< b[i]). The coefficients a and b are different for every component. They are given below, with a procedure for computing the entire step.

coefficients = [
[0, 2, 4],
[0, 13, 22],
[0, 4, 19],
[0, 3, 14],
[0, 27, 31],
[0, 3, 8],
[0, 17, 26],
[0, 3, 12],
[0, 18, 22],
[0, 12, 18],
[0, 4, 7],
[0, 4, 31],
[0, 12, 27],
[0, 7, 17],
[0, 7, 8],
[0, 1, 13]
function ApplyCirculantMultiplication( state_vector ):
for i in [0:16] do:
output_vector[i] = 0
for k in [0:3] do:
output_vector[i] = output_vector[i] xor (state_vector[i] <<< coefficients[i][k])
return output_vector

Injection of Constants

A given constant is xored into every component of the state vector. The coefficients differ per component and per round. They are determined from using Keccak to expand the ASCII string

The various ways in which the knowledge on which people base their plan is communicated to them is the crucial problem for any theory explaining the economic process, and the problem of what is the best way to utilizing knowledge initially dispersed among all the people is at least one of the main problems of economic policy - or of designing an efficient economic system.

The constants are given below, along with a procedure to compute the entire step. Attached to this RFC is a python script (and one for keccak) to compute the constants.

injection_constants = [
0x6e9e40ae , 0x71927c02 , 0x9a13d3b1 , 0xdaec32ad , 0x3d8951cf , 0xe1c9fe9a , 0xb806b54c , 0xacbbf417 ,
0xd3622b3b , 0xa082762a , 0x9edcf1c0 , 0xa9bada77 , 0x7f91e46c , 0xcb0f6e4f , 0x265d9241 , 0xb7bdeab0 ,
0x6260c9e6 , 0xff50dd2a , 0x9036aa71 , 0xce161879 , 0xd1307cdf , 0x89e456df , 0xf83133e2 , 0x65f55c3d ,
0x94871b01 , 0xb5d204cd , 0x583a3264 , 0x5e165957 , 0x4cbda964 , 0x675fca47 , 0xf4a3033e , 0x2a417322 ,
0x3b61432f , 0x7f5532f2 , 0xb609973b , 0x1a795239 , 0x31b477c9 , 0xd2949d28 , 0x78969712 , 0x0eb87b6e ,
0x7e11d22d , 0xccee88bd , 0xeed07eb8 , 0xe5563a81 , 0xe7cb6bcf , 0x25de953e , 0x4d05653a , 0x0b831557 ,
0x94b9cd77 , 0x13f01579 , 0x794b4a4a , 0x67e7c7dc , 0xc456d8d4 , 0x59689c9b , 0x668456d7 , 0x22d2a2e1 ,
0x38b3a828 , 0x0315ac3c , 0x438d681e , 0xab7109c5 , 0x97ee19a8 , 0xde062b2e , 0x2c76c47b , 0x0084456f ,
0x908f0fd3 , 0xa646551f , 0x3e826725 , 0xd521788e , 0x9f01c2b0 , 0x93180cdc , 0x92ea1df8 , 0x431a9aae ,
0x7c2ea356 , 0xda33ad03 , 0x46926893 , 0x66bde7d7 , 0xb501cc75 , 0x1f6e8a41 , 0x685250f4 , 0x3bb1f318 ,
0xaf238c04 , 0x974ed2ec , 0x5b159e49 , 0xd526f8bf , 0x12085626 , 0x3e2432a9 , 0x6bd20c48 , 0x1f1d59da ,
0x18ab1068 , 0x80f83cf8 , 0x2c8c11c0 , 0x7d548035 , 0x0ff675c3 , 0xfed160bf , 0x74bbbb24 , 0xd98e006b ,
0xdeaa47eb , 0x05f2179e , 0x437b0b71 , 0xa7c95f8f , 0x00a99d3b , 0x3fc3c444 , 0x72686f8e , 0x00fd01a9 ,
0xdedc0787 , 0xc6af7626 , 0x7012fe76 , 0xf2a5f7ce , 0x9a7b2eda , 0x5e57fcf2 , 0x4da0d4ad , 0x5c63b155 ,
0x34117375 , 0xd4134c11 , 0x2ea77435 , 0x5278b6de , 0xab522c4c , 0xbc8fc702 , 0xc94a09e4 , 0xebb93a9e ,
0x91ecb65e , 0x4c52ecc6 , 0x8703bb52 , 0xcb2d60aa , 0x30a0538a , 0x1514f10b , 0x157f6329 , 0x3429dc3d ,
0x5db73eb2 , 0xa7a1a969 , 0x7286bd24 , 0x0df6881e , 0x3785ba5f , 0xcd04623a , 0x02758170 , 0xd827f556 ,
0x99d95191 , 0x84457eb1 , 0x58a7fb22 , 0xd2967c5f , 0x4f0c33f6 , 0x4a02099a , 0xe0904821 , 0x94124036 ,
0x496a031b , 0x780b69c4 , 0xcf1a4927 , 0x87a119b8 , 0xcdfaf4f8 , 0x4cf9cd0f , 0x27c96a84 , 0x6d11117e ,
0x7f8cf847 , 0x74ceede5 , 0xc88905e6 , 0x60215841 , 0x7172875a , 0x736e993a , 0x010aa53c , 0x43d53c2b ,
0xf0d91a93 , 0x0d983b56 , 0xf816663c , 0xe5d13363 , 0x0a61737c , 0x09d51150 , 0x83a5ac2f , 0x3e884905 ,
0x7b01aeb5 , 0x600a6ea7 , 0xb7678f7b , 0x72b38977 , 0x068018f2 , 0xce6ae45b , 0x29188aa8 , 0xe5a0b1e9 ,
0xc04c2b86 , 0x8bd14d75 , 0x648781f3 , 0xdbae1e0a , 0xddcdd8ae , 0xab4d81a3 , 0x446baaba , 0x1cc0c19d ,
0x17be4f90 , 0x82c0e65d , 0x676f9c95 , 0x5c708db2 , 0x6fd4c867 , 0xa5106ef0 , 0x19dde49d , 0x78182f95 ,
0xd089cd81 , 0xa32e98fe , 0xbe306c82 , 0x6cd83d8c , 0x037f1bde , 0x0b15722d , 0xeddc1e22 , 0x93c76559 ,
0x8a2f571b , 0x92cc81b4 , 0x021b7477 , 0x67523904 , 0xc95dbccc , 0xac17ee9d , 0x944e46bc , 0x0781867e ,
0xc854dd9d , 0x26e2c30c , 0x858c0416 , 0x6d397708 , 0xebe29c58 , 0xc80ced86 , 0xd496b4ab , 0xbe45e6f5 ,
0x10d24706 , 0xacf8187a , 0x96f523cb , 0x2227e143 , 0x78c36564 , 0x4643adc2 , 0x4729d97a , 0xcff93e0d ,
0x25484bbd , 0x91c6798e , 0x95f773f4 , 0x44204675 , 0x2eda57ba , 0x06d313ef , 0xeeaa4466 , 0x2dfa7530 ,
0xa8af0c9b , 0x39f1535e , 0x0cc2b7bd , 0x38a76c0e , 0x4f41071d , 0xcdaf2475 , 0x49a6eff8 , 0x01621748 ,
0x36ebacab , 0xbd6d9a29 , 0x44d1cd65 , 0x40815dfd , 0x55fa5a1a , 0x87cce9e9 , 0xae559b45 , 0xd76b4c26 ,
0x637d60ad , 0xde29f5f9 , 0x97491cbb , 0xfb350040 , 0xffe7f997 , 0x201c9dcd , 0xe61320e9 , 0xa90987a3 ,
0xe24afa83 , 0x61c1e6fc , 0xcc87ff62 , 0xf1c9d8fa , 0x4fd04546 , 0x90ecc76e , 0x46e456b9 , 0x305dceb8 ,
0xf627e68c , 0x2d286815 , 0xc705bbfd , 0x101b6df3 , 0x892dae62 , 0xd5b7fb44 , 0xea1d5c94 , 0x5332e3cb ,
0xf856f88a , 0xb341b0e9 , 0x28408d9d , 0x5421bc17 , 0xeb9af9bc , 0x602371c5 , 0x67985a91 , 0xd774907f ,
0x7c4d697d , 0x9370b0b8 , 0x6ff5cebb , 0x7d465744 , 0x674ceac0 , 0xea9102fc , 0x0de94784 , 0xc793de69 ,
0xfe599bb1 , 0xc6ad952f , 0x6d6ca9c3 , 0x928c3f91 , 0xf9022f05 , 0x24a164dc , 0xe5e98cd3 , 0x7649efdb ,
0x6df3bcdb , 0x5d1e9ff1 , 0x17f5d010 , 0xe2686ea1 , 0x6eac77fe , 0x7bb5c585 , 0x88d90cbb , 0x18689163 ,
0x67c9efa5 , 0xc0b76d9b , 0x960efbab , 0xbd872807 , 0x70f4c474 , 0x56c29d20 , 0xd1541d15 , 0x88137033 ,
0xe3f02b3e , 0xb6d9b28d , 0x53a077ba , 0xeedcd29e , 0xa50a6c1d , 0x12c2801e , 0x52ba335b , 0x35984614 ,
0xe2599aa8 , 0xaf94ed1d , 0xd90d4767 , 0x202c7d07 , 0x77bec4f4 , 0xfa71bc80 , 0xfc5c8b76 , 0x8d0fbbfc ,
0xda366dc6 , 0x8b32a0c7 , 0x1b36f7fc , 0x6642dcbc , 0x6fe7e724 , 0x8b5fa782 , 0xc4227404 , 0x3a7d1da7 ,
0x517ed658 , 0x8a18df6d , 0x3e5c9b23 , 0x1fbd51ef , 0x1470601d , 0x3400389c , 0x676b065d , 0x8864ad80 ,
0xea6f1a9c , 0x2db484e1 , 0x608785f0 , 0x8dd384af , 0x69d26699 , 0x409c4e16 , 0x77f9986a , 0x7f491266 ,
0x883ea6cf , 0xeaa06072 , 0xfa2e5db5 , 0x352594b4 , 0x9156bb89 , 0xa2fbbbfb , 0xac3989c7 , 0x6e2422b1 ,
0x581f3560 , 0x1009a9b5 , 0x7e5ad9cd , 0xa9fc0a6e , 0x43e5998e , 0x7f8778f9 , 0xf038f8e1 , 0x5415c2e8 ,
0x6499b731 , 0xb82389ae , 0x05d4d819 , 0x0f06440e , 0xf1735aa0 , 0x986430ee , 0x47ec952c , 0xbf149cc5 ,
0xb3cb2cb6 , 0x3f41e8c2 , 0x271ac51b , 0x48ac5ded , 0xf76a0469 , 0x717bba4d , 0x4f5c90d6 , 0x3b74f756 ,
0x1824110a , 0xa4fd43e3 , 0x1eb0507c , 0xa9375c08 , 0x157c59a7 , 0x0cad8f51 , 0xd66031a0 , 0xabb5343f ,
0xe533fa43 , 0x1996e2bb , 0xd7953a71 , 0xd2529b94 , 0x58f0fa07 , 0x4c9b1877 , 0x057e990d , 0x8bfe19c4 ,
0xa8e2c0c9 , 0x99fcaada , 0x69d2aaca , 0xdc1c4642 , 0xf4d22307 , 0x7fe27e8c , 0x1366aa07 , 0x1594e637 ,
0xce1066bf , 0xdb922552 , 0x9930b52a , 0xaeaa9a3e , 0x31ff7eb4 , 0x5e1f945a , 0x150ac49c , 0x0ccdac2d ,
0xd8a8a217 , 0xb82ea6e5 , 0xd6a74659 , 0x67b7e3e6 , 0x836eef4a , 0xb6f90074 , 0x7fa3ea4b , 0xcb038123 ,
0xbf069f55 , 0x1fa83fc4 , 0xd6ebdb23 , 0x16f0a137 , 0x19a7110d , 0x5ff3b55f , 0xfb633868 , 0xb466f845 ,
0xbce0c198 , 0x88404296 , 0xddbdd88b , 0x7fc52546 , 0x63a553f8 , 0xa728405a , 0x378a2bce , 0x6862e570 ,
0xefb77e7d , 0xc611625e , 0x32515c15 , 0x6984b765 , 0xe8405976 , 0x9ba386fd , 0xd4eed4d9 , 0xf8fe0309 ,
0x0ce54601 , 0xbaf879c2 , 0xd8524057 , 0x1d8c1d7a , 0x72c0a3a9 , 0x5a1ffbde , 0x82f33a45 , 0x5143f446 ,
0x29c7e182 , 0xe536c32f , 0x5a6f245b , 0x44272adb , 0xcb701d9c , 0xf76137ec , 0x0841f145 , 0xe7042ecc ,
0xf1277dd7 , 0x745cf92c , 0xa8fe65fe , 0xd3e2d7cf , 0x54c513ef , 0x6079bc2d , 0xb66336b0 , 0x101e383b ,
0xbcd75753 , 0x25be238a , 0x56a6f0be , 0xeeffcc17 , 0x5ea31f3d , 0x0ae772f5 , 0xf76de3de , 0x1bbecdad ,
0xc9107d43 , 0xf7e38dce , 0x618358cd , 0x5c833f04 , 0xf6975906 , 0xde4177e5 , 0x67d314dc , 0xb4760f3e ,
0x56ce5888 , 0x0e8345a8 , 0xbff6b1bf , 0x78dfb112 , 0xf1709c1e , 0x7bb8ed8b , 0x902402b9 , 0xdaa64ae0 ,
0x46b71d89 , 0x7eee035f , 0xbe376509 , 0x99648f3a , 0x0863ea1f , 0x49ad8887 , 0x79bdecc5 , 0x3c10b568 ,
0x5f2e4bae , 0x04ef20ab , 0x72f8ce7b , 0x521e1ebe , 0x14525535 , 0x2e8af95b , 0x9094ccfd , 0xbcf36713 ,
0xc73953ef , 0xd4b91474 , 0x6554ec2d , 0xe3885c96 , 0x03dc73b7 , 0x931688a9 , 0xcbbef182 , 0x2b77cfc9 ,
0x632a32bd , 0xd2115dcc , 0x1ae5533d , 0x32684e13 , 0x4cc5a004 , 0x13321bde , 0x62cbd38d , 0x78383a3b ,
0xd00686f1 , 0x9f601ee7 , 0x7eaf23de , 0x3110c492 , 0x9c351209 , 0x7eb89d52 , 0x6d566eac , 0xc2efd226 ,
0x32e9fac5 , 0x52227274 , 0x09f84725 , 0xb8d0b605 , 0x72291f02 , 0x71b5c34b , 0x3dbfcbb8 , 0x04a02263 ,
0x55ba597f , 0xd4e4037d , 0xc813e1be , 0xffddeefa , 0xc3c058f3 , 0x87010f2e , 0x1dfcf55f , 0xc694eeeb ,
0xa9c01a74 , 0x98c2fc6b , 0xe57e1428 , 0xdd265a71 , 0x836b956d , 0x7e46ab1a , 0x5835d541 , 0x50b32505 ,
0xe640913c , 0xbb486079 , 0xfe496263 , 0x113c5b69 , 0x93cd6620 , 0x5efe823b , 0x2d657b40 , 0xb46dfc6c ,
0x57710c69 , 0xfe9fadeb , 0xb5f8728a , 0xe3224170 , 0xca28b751 , 0xfdabae56 , 0x5ab12c3c , 0xa697c457 ,
0xd28fa2b7 , 0x056579f2 , 0x9fd9d810 , 0xe3557478 , 0xd88d89ab , 0xa72a9422 , 0x6d47abd0 , 0x405bcbd9 ,
0x6f83ebaf , 0x13caec76 , 0xfceb9ee2 , 0x2e922df7 , 0xce9856df , 0xc05e9322 , 0x2772c854 , 0xb67f2a32 ,
0x6d1af28d , 0x3a78cf77 , 0xdff411e4 , 0x61c74ca9 , 0xed8b842e , 0x72880845 , 0x6e857085 , 0xc6404932 ,
0xee37f6bc , 0x27116f48 , 0x5e9ec45a , 0x8ea2a51f , 0xa5573db7 , 0xa746d036 , 0x486b4768 , 0x5b438f3b ,
0x18c54a5c , 0x64fcf08e , 0xe993cdc1 , 0x35c1ead3 , 0x9de07de7 , 0x321b841c , 0x87423c5e , 0x071aa0f6 ,
0x962eb75b , 0xbb06bdd2 , 0xdcdb5363 , 0x389752f2 , 0x83d9cc88 , 0xd014adc6 , 0xc71121bb , 0x2372f938 ,
0xcaff2650 , 0x62be8951 , 0x56dccaff , 0xac4084c0 , 0x09712e95 , 0x1d3c288f , 0x1b085744 , 0xe1d3cfef ,
0x5c9a812e , 0x6611fd59 , 0x85e46044 , 0x1981d885 , 0x5a4c903f , 0x43f30d4b , 0x7d1d601b , 0xdd3c3391 ,
0x030ec65e , 0xc12878cd , 0x72e795fe , 0xd0c76abd , 0x1ec085db , 0x7cbb61fa , 0x93e8dd1e , 0x8582eb06 ,
0x73563144 , 0x049d4e7e , 0x5fd5aefe , 0x7b842a00 , 0x75ced665 , 0xbb32d458 , 0x4e83bba7 , 0x8f15151f ,
0x7795a125 , 0xf0842455 , 0x499af99d , 0x565cc7fa , 0xa3b1278d , 0x3f27ce74 , 0x96ca058e , 0x8a497443 ,
0xa6fb8cae , 0xc115aa21 , 0x17504923 , 0xe4932402 , 0xaea886c2 , 0x8eb79af5 , 0xebd5ea6b , 0xc7980d3b ,
0x71369315 , 0x796e6a66 , 0x3a7ec708 , 0xb05175c8 , 0xe02b74e7 , 0xeb377ad3 , 0x6c8c1f54 , 0xb980c374 ,
0x59aee281 , 0x449cb799 , 0xe01f5605 , 0xed0e085e , 0xc9a1a3b4 , 0xaac481b1 , 0xc935c39c , 0xb7d8ce7f ]
function InjectConstants( state_vector, round_index ):
for i in [0:16] do:
output_vector[i] = state_vector[i] xor injection_constants[round_index*16 + i]
return output_vector


The addition-rotation-addition step is the only one that involves modular addition. The state vector is partitioned into 8 pairs, and every pair undergoes a sequence of three operations. First, the element on the right is added to the one on the left; then both words are rotated by 8 bits in opposite directions; then the left is added to the right. The next pseudocode makes this formal.

function ApplyARA( state_vector ):
for i in [0:8] do:
output_vector[2*i] = state_vector[2*i] + state_vector[2*i + 1]
output_vector[2*i] = output_vector[2*i] <<< 8
output_vector[2*i + 1] = state_vector[2*i + 1] <<< 24
output_vector[2*i + 1] = output_vector[2*i + 1] + output_vector[2*i]
return output_vector

Full Permutation

For the sake of completeness, the following pseudocode computes the full permutation.

function F( input ):
state = input
for i in [0:43] do:
state = ApplyBitMatrix( state )
state = ApplyCirculantMultiplication( state )
state = InjectConstants( state, i )
state = ApplyARA( state )
return state

Eaglesong Hash

The Eaglesong hash function is obtained by taking the sponge code and instantiating the parameters with:

  • r = 256
  • c = 256
  • output_length = 256
  • d = 0x06

Reference Implementations

This RFC is supplemented by two reference implementations, one in C and one in python. Attached is also a wrapper (C and python) for computing the Eaglesong hash of a string read from stdin.

To compile and run the C program:

$> gcc -o hash eaglesong.c hash.c
$> ./hash
> Hello, world!
> [Ctrl-D]
> 64867e2441d162615dc2430b6bcb4d3f4b95e4d0db529fca1eece73c077d72d6

To run the python program:

$> python hash.py
> Hello, world!
> [Ctrl-D]
> 64867e2441d162615dc2430b6bcb4d3f4b95e4d0db529fca1eece73c077d72d6